4.14 References


  1. Numerical Recipes. 3e.

Analytical Integration

  1. Wikipedia - Heaviside cover-up method (2013.2.2)
  2. 숨마쿰라우데 고등 수학(상). p294-295 (2012)
  3. 미적분학 1, 2. 김홍종. 서울대학교출판부. (2009)

Trapezoidal Rule

  1. 셈틀에서 태어난 수치해석학 p274-277
  2. Handbook of Mathematics p896-897
  3. Numerical Methods for Physics p279-281
  4. Numerical Recipes in C. 2e. p136-137

Simpson’s Formula

  1. 셈틀에서 태어난 수치해석학 p277-281
  2. Handbook of Mathematics p897
  3. Numerical Recipes in C. 2e. p139

Romberg Integration

  1. Numerical Methods for Physics p281-285
  2. Numerical Recipes in C. 2e. p140-141

Gaussian Quadrature

  1. Handbook of Mathematics p897-898
  2. Numerical Methods for Physics p286-289
  3. Numerical Recipes in C. 2e. p147-161

Polynomial Approximation

  1. Handbook of Mathematical Functions by Abramowitz and Stegun p932