3.8 derive() in R

The function derive() and .D() are basic ones in R to get analytical derivative of a function.

FxExpr1 = expression(x^2)
FxDeriv1 = deriv(FxExpr1, "x")
## expression({
##     .value <- x^2
##     .grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 1L), list(NULL, c("x")))
##     .grad[, "x"] <- 2 * x
##     attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
##     .value
## })
x = -5:5
##  [1] 25 16  9  4  1  0  1  4  9 16 25
## attr(,"gradient")
##         x
##  [1,] -10
##  [2,]  -8
##  [3,]  -6
##  [4,]  -4
##  [5,]  -2
##  [6,]   0
##  [7,]   2
##  [8,]   4
##  [9,]   6
## [10,]   8
## [11,]  10
attr(eval(FxDeriv1), "gradient")
##         x
##  [1,] -10
##  [2,]  -8
##  [3,]  -6
##  [4,]  -4
##  [5,]  -2
##  [6,]   0
##  [7,]   2
##  [8,]   4
##  [9,]   6
## [10,]   8
## [11,]  10
FxExpr2 = expression(x1^3 + 2*x2^3 + x1*x2 + sin(x1) + cos(x2))
FxDeriv2 = deriv(FxExpr2, c("x1", "x2"), function.arg=c("x1", "x2"), func=TRUE, hessian=TRUE)
## function (x1, x2) 
## {
##     .expr7 <- sin(x1)
##     .expr9 <- cos(x2)
##     .value <- x1^3 + 2 * x2^3 + x1 * x2 + .expr7 + .expr9
##     .grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 2L), list(NULL, c("x1", 
##         "x2")))
##     .hessian <- array(0, c(length(.value), 2L, 2L), list(NULL, 
##         c("x1", "x2"), c("x1", "x2")))
##     .grad[, "x1"] <- 3 * x1^2 + x2 + cos(x1)
##     .hessian[, "x1", "x1"] <- 3 * (2 * x1) - .expr7
##     .hessian[, "x1", "x2"] <- .hessian[, "x2", "x1"] <- 1
##     .grad[, "x2"] <- 2 * (3 * x2^2) + x1 - sin(x2)
##     .hessian[, "x2", "x2"] <- 2 * (3 * (2 * x2)) - .expr9
##     attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
##     attr(.value, "hessian") <- .hessian
##     .value
## }
FxDeriv2(2, 3)
## [1] 67.92
## attr(,"gradient")
##         x1    x2
## [1,] 14.58 55.86
## attr(,"hessian")
## , , x1
##         x1 x2
## [1,] 11.09  1
## , , x2
##      x1    x2
## [1,]  1 36.99
attr(FxDeriv2(2, 3), "gradient")
##         x1    x2
## [1,] 14.58 55.86
attr(FxDeriv2(2, 3), "hessian")[1,,]
##       x1    x2
## x1 11.09  1.00
## x2  1.00 36.99
x1 = -5:5
x2 = -5:5
##  [1] -348.757 -175.897  -73.131  -21.325   -2.301    1.000    5.382   28.493   89.151
## [10]  206.590  399.325
## attr(,"gradient")
##           x1      x2
##  [1,] 70.284 144.041
##  [2,] 43.346  91.243
##  [3,] 23.010  51.141
##  [4,]  9.584  22.909
##  [5,]  2.540   5.841
##  [6,]  1.000   0.000
##  [7,]  4.540   6.159
##  [8,] 13.584  25.091
##  [9,] 29.010  56.859
## [10,] 51.346 100.757
## [11,] 80.284 155.959
## attr(,"hessian")
## , , x1
##            x1 x2
##  [1,] -30.959  1
##  [2,] -24.757  1
##  [3,] -17.859  1
##  [4,] -11.091  1
##  [5,]  -5.159  1
##  [6,]   0.000  1
##  [7,]   5.159  1
##  [8,]  11.091  1
##  [9,]  17.859  1
## [10,]  24.757  1
## [11,]  30.959  1
## , , x2
##       x1     x2
##  [1,]  1 -60.28
##  [2,]  1 -47.35
##  [3,]  1 -35.01
##  [4,]  1 -23.58
##  [5,]  1 -12.54
##  [6,]  1  -1.00
##  [7,]  1  11.46
##  [8,]  1  24.42
##  [9,]  1  36.99
## [10,]  1  48.65
## [11,]  1  59.72
attr(FxDeriv2(x1,x2), "gradient")
##           x1      x2
##  [1,] 70.284 144.041
##  [2,] 43.346  91.243
##  [3,] 23.010  51.141
##  [4,]  9.584  22.909
##  [5,]  2.540   5.841
##  [6,]  1.000   0.000
##  [7,]  4.540   6.159
##  [8,] 13.584  25.091
##  [9,] 29.010  56.859
## [10,] 51.346 100.757
## [11,] 80.284 155.959
Hess = attr(FxDeriv2(x1,x2), "hessian")

for (i in 1:length(x1)) {
  print(paste("i =",i,"; x1 =",x1[i],"; x2 =",x2[i]))
## [1] "i = 1 ; x1 = -5 ; x2 = -5"
##        x1     x2
## x1 -30.96   1.00
## x2   1.00 -60.28
## [1] "i = 2 ; x1 = -4 ; x2 = -4"
##        x1     x2
## x1 -24.76   1.00
## x2   1.00 -47.35
## [1] "i = 3 ; x1 = -3 ; x2 = -3"
##        x1     x2
## x1 -17.86   1.00
## x2   1.00 -35.01
## [1] "i = 4 ; x1 = -2 ; x2 = -2"
##        x1     x2
## x1 -11.09   1.00
## x2   1.00 -23.58
## [1] "i = 5 ; x1 = -1 ; x2 = -1"
##        x1     x2
## x1 -5.159   1.00
## x2  1.000 -12.54
## [1] "i = 6 ; x1 = 0 ; x2 = 0"
##    x1 x2
## x1  0  1
## x2  1 -1
## [1] "i = 7 ; x1 = 1 ; x2 = 1"
##       x1    x2
## x1 5.159  1.00
## x2 1.000 11.46
## [1] "i = 8 ; x1 = 2 ; x2 = 2"
##       x1    x2
## x1 11.09  1.00
## x2  1.00 24.42
## [1] "i = 9 ; x1 = 3 ; x2 = 3"
##       x1    x2
## x1 17.86  1.00
## x2  1.00 36.99
## [1] "i = 10 ; x1 = 4 ; x2 = 4"
##       x1    x2
## x1 24.76  1.00
## x2  1.00 48.65
## [1] "i = 11 ; x1 = 5 ; x2 = 5"
##       x1    x2
## x1 30.96  1.00
## x2  1.00 59.72

There are also some packages for symbolic differentiation to get analytical derivative function.